From Did Not Start (DNS) to Do It Yourself (DIY) 200-Miler
1/1/2021 . This time last year I was scheduled to run/walk/crawl the Across The Years 200-Miler. It was going to be my first attempt at...

Race Review-McDowell Mountain Frenzy 50-Miler
Coyote, Cell Towers and UTMB Points, Oh My! 12/6/2020 I have a bad habit of not reading race websites thoroughly before a race and just...

2018 My Most EPIC Year EVER!
It's hard to find the right words to describe my year of turning 50, but I have always believed that when you lead from your heart you...

I Did It! Comrades Ultramarathon 2018!
Comrades 2018. What a race?! It was epic, challenging, beautiful andddd I will never complain about Boston’s Heartbreak Hill or Chicago's...